Dhara is a Sanskrit word which means ‘steam’. It is an effective treatment for tension, mental stress, headache and insomnia. This treatment also refreshes the body, mind and soul and improves the memory power. In recent years Dhara treatment got world wide recognition because of its guaranteed curing features. The main ingredients in Dhara treatment are herbal oil, coconut water, milk, ghee etc. a normal Dhara treatment takes upto 75 minutes duration. Shirodhara: It is the process of streaming warm herbal oil on the forehead, scalp and hair. It is beneficial for the treatment of sinusitis, insomnia, depression, migraine and cervical disorders. Thakra Dhara: Medicated buttermilk will be poured...
read morePizhichil is popularly known as ‘Thilodhara’ and referred to as ‘the king of Ayurveda therapies’. It combines oil and heat therapy and removes excess toxins from the body, enhancing blood circulation. The herbal oil is heated to massage the entire body. Dhanwantharam thailam, bala thailam, praphanjanabanam thailam and sahacharadi thailam are mainly used for the massage process. During the entire process, lukewarm herbal oil is pouring over the body. After pizhichil, the patient has to take a warm water bath. The main benefit of Pizhichil is the detoxification of the body. It rejuvenates the body and gets relief from body pain. It is an effective treatment for arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, nervous disorders and d...
read moreKizhi is a famous ayurveda treatment which is done using sachets that contain herbs, sand or rice. It is a part of panchakarma, one of the most effective treatments and it rejuvenates the body, mind and soul. Based on the type of herb used in the satch, kihi treatment is classified into njavara kizhi, podi kizhi, ela kizhi, manjal kizhi and manal kizhi. Njavara Kizhi: In njavara kizhi, ‘njavara rice’ cooked with cow milk is mixed with herbs and filled in the satch. This satch will be further dipped in the herbal oil mix and used for rubbing the body. Ela Kizhi: The term ela means leaves, and the main ingredient in ela kizhi is both herbal leaves and roots. These are further heated in herbal o...
read moreSirovasthi is the process of pouring warm herbal oil on the head for a specific period of time. The first step of Sirovasthi is the application of warm herbal oil which is the mix of castor oil, milk, ghee, gingerly oil and other herbal liquids. This process reforms the nervous system and in the next step, warm herbal oil is poured on the head which is covered with a cylindrical cap. This process continues up to 45 minutes. This treatment rejuvenates the entire nervous system in the body, brain and spinal cords. Sirovasthi treatment is recommended for the patients who are facing issues like facial paralysis, itching on the head, eye problems, insomnia, hair fall, and memory loss.
read moreAbhyanga is the ayurvedic oil massage and is recommended as a daily routine. Massage is performed before the bath in the morning. Cured sesame oil, herbal oils, etc can be used for Abhyanga. Sesame oil, which has antioxidant properties, will protect the skin from damage. Herbal oils, which have natural healing properties, will strengthen physiology and balance your mind. Country mallow , winter cherry, are some of the ayurvedic herbs used for Abhyanga treatment. The absorption of healing qualities of the materials used for the massage is the main advantage of Abhyanga treatment. It helps the skin to remove toxins from the body and nourishes the body tissues. It improves blood circulation in the body, especially to the nerve endings. Soft a...
read moreSirodhara treatment is the process of pouring warm herbal oil onto the forehead. It is the purifying and rejuvenating therapy which removes toxins from the body. This treatment reduces mental stress and promotes better sleep. As the treatment enhances the performance of the central nervous system, it is recommended to patients after stroke. The herbal oil will be continuously poured for a certain time onto the forehead from a specific height which helps in the relaxation of the body. It allows the oil to run through the scalp and hair, and increases the blood circulation in the head and brain. This ayurveda therapy is the perfect remedy for anxiety and nervousness.
read moreUdvarthanam is the body massage treatment using herbal powders. Dry herbs that are powdered will be used in the treatment. The body massage is done in seven different positions and in the opposite direction of the hair follicles upto 45 to 60 minutes. Eladi choornam and kottanchukkadi choornam are some of the herbal powders used for Udvarthanam. This treatment is done in a course of 7 days, 14 days etc The deep massage on the body improves the blood circulation, and increases metabolic rate. Udwarthanam is effective for certain kinds of skin diseases also. It helps to remove the dead skin cells, soften the skin and improve the glow. It rejuvenates the body and refreshes your entire soul. Experts recommend udwarthanam for obesity also. Cert...
read moreElakizhi is also called Patra Pinda Sweda, and a kind of sweat therapy used to rejuvenate body, mind and soul. Elakizhi is the treatment of applying heat on the body using ‘kizhi’(bolus) that is prepared from the leaves of medicinal plants. According to the dosha of the patient, the medicinal plant is selected for the kizhi. Eranda, nirgundi, and arka are the main leaves used for the treatment. Lemon, coconut gratings, castor oil, rasnadi churna, turmeric powder and methika are the other ingredients used for ‘Elakizhi’. In this treatment the fresh medicinal leaves are used to make kizhi and will be dipped in herbal oil. It is then heated and applied gently in the joints for the treatment. Elakizhi reduces the age-r...
read morePodikizhi is also known as ‘Churna Swedam 'and medicated powders are the main ingredient of this treatment. Herbs are dried and powdered to make the ‘kizhi’. Depending on the kind of treatment, herbal powders are fried in different herbal oils and then tied into the ‘bolus’(kizhi). In the next step, the kizhi is dipped into hot oil, and then rubbed on the body. Kottam chukkadi churna, gruhadhumadhi churna, ellumnishadi choorna, jatamayadi churna, rasnadi churna, nagaradi churna, and dashanga churna are the main herbal powders used for the treatment. It is an effective treatment for soreness, swelling and sprain in body muscles. Iobility, stiffness, pain and numbness in the joints of arms, neck, lower back and ...
read moreNasyam treatment is the process of applying medicated powder and herbal oils through the nostrils. It is an effective treatment for migraine, sinusitis, and headache. It removes excess toxins from the scalp and purifies organs. Nasya treatment has three phases - poorvakarma, pradhanakarma, and paschatkarma. The second stage, prabhatkarma is the most important that applies cool medicated oil through the nostrils. Paschatkarma includes bathing on the face, forehead, neck and ears. Nasyam treatment protects the nasal passage and helps to reduce sinusitis. It strengthens your sense organs and helps to get rid of thinned hair. It also strengthens the immune system so that you will not get sick easily.
read moreFacial massage is a kind of Ayurvedic treatment that includes exfoliating massage, oil massage marma handling and application of herbs. It is the best natural treatment for healthy and glowing skin. The herbal ingredients gently cleanse skin, remove toxins from the skin and leave the complexion smooth, soft and moist. The natural herbs used for the treatment hydrate your skin, and ensure that dryness of your skin is taken care off. It solves the issues of acne and acne scars. Tha natural ingredients make your skin well-nourished and reduce lines and wrinkles and help the skin look youthful and healthy.
read moreAccording to Indian culture touching elders feet is a kind of expressing respect. So that foot is given utmost importance in tradition and medicine. Padabhyanga is the comprehensive foot massage treatment in Ayurveda and is advised to be done on a daily basis to maintain health. The heated oil will be gently applied on the foot, and then massage is done with hands applying moderate pressure. In the joints the massage will be done in circular motion and vertical massage is done over legs. Padabhyanga reduces roughness, stiffness, dryness, and tingling sensation of foot and leg. These are the immediate effects of Padabhyanga. Apart from this it offers other benefits like controlling three doshas, prevents cracks in the foot, maintaining good ...
read moreNjavarakizhi is also called ‘Shashtikashali pinda swedanam’. Njavara is a special kind of rice which is used for making the kizhi ‘bolus’. Njavara rice has medicinal properties and it grows in 60days. Njavarakizhi may be used in the whole body or a specific part of the body the treatment starts with applying medicated oil over the head and body. Then the body is massaged with kizhi filled with Njavara rice. The herbal oils and warm milk is used to dip the bolus. The procedure continues to seven different postures. After removing the excess rice pudding from the body, warm oil is used to massage once again. The patient needs to take rest for a period of time after the entire process is over. Benefits of Njava...
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